
Showing posts from May, 2008

Bali Weeping

The three images here are linked. The first image is of a Balinese wall plaque that we bought some time ago. For a project in silk screening class I put together an image derived from the mask that I call Bali Weeping as a commentary on colonialism and the loss of Balinese culture via westernization. The third image is a monoprint. It was created as the print series was created. There are 9 colour 'pulls' for my Bali Weeping print, 9 separate screens that must be used for the 9 different colours involved. Every time I pulled a colour on the print I also pulled it on the monoprint so that every pull is present on the monoprint but in a very different relationship to the 'regular' print. I like the effect and it is definitely one of a kind.

Portrait of Carolyn as a Young Woman

This portrait is very light and ethereal, with a very unusual perspective for a portrait. I did this long ago, but I still like it and thought I'd share it with you! It's 8½X11 in hard pencil.


Another 1984 drawing.

Self Portrait from 1984

This is what I looked like in 1984! Time to do another self-portrait.

Looking East into the Salish Sea

This is a drawing I did in 1985 when I first started drawing using Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, a great book by Betty Edwards. There's a story here. We (the family) were at Seal Bay Park one day exploring the beach when I ran across this piece of driftwood that looked like an old wrecked window of some kind. I propped it up with some rocks and drew what I saw inside the 'window.'